Add Telemedicine to Your Group Health Plan, Save on Healthcare Costs

The N.E. Health Institute estimates that over half of emergency room visits are not emergencies.  On average, these visits cost employers well over $1,000.  Even an urgent care visit averages $140 to employers.  RelyMD, on the other hand, costs about $50 per visit. Often times, employees are simply using these facilities because they have no other choice available.  If you cut yourself while cooking on a Saturday evening, your only option for evaluation may be a hospital.  In fact, 29% of ER visits occur on the weekends, when most doctors’ offices are closed.  By adding telemedicine to your group health plan and letting our providers evaluate and treat your employees from the comfort of their home or even from the office, we are keeping them from unnecessarily seeking high-cost treatment. For each visit to the ER that we prevent, your company saves about $850.  For each visit to an urgent care center that we prevent, your company saves about $90.

Group health plan with telemedicine saves money

According to the National Hospital Ambulatory Medical Care Survey:


Nationally, 60% of emergency department visits occur after business hours


21% of patients are not given medication in the emergency department


For private insurance patients, only 15% of visits to the emergency department result in admission

Ensure Utilization

With the help of RelyMD you can ensure the telemedicine solution offered to your employees is being used. Compared to the average 3% utilization rate of nationwide telemedicine providers, one RelyMD client sees a 25% annualized utilization rate among employees on their group health plan. Telemedicine utilization has not yet reached its full potential, but with clear communication and the right implementation tools, you too could be seeing high rates of usage along with cost savings that will leave your boss impressed (and healthy).

Featured Case Study


Learn how UNC Lenoir Health Care uses telemedicine to save on healthcare costs.

OK, I’m interested. What next?

Reach out!  We’ll set up a call to give you more information about our service and how it stacks up compared to other telemedicine companies.  We can even show you a demonstration of how an encounter with RelyMD would work for your employees. Submit the form for more information on RelyMD.


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